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Natural Sleepy Aid Patch

Natural Sleepy Aid Patch

 (380+ Reviews & Still Thriving!)

check_circle Addresses Insomnia: Treats fragmented sleep!

check_circle Fast-Acting: Quick onset, improved sleep quality!

check_circle Safe and Gentle: Suitable for all, residue-free!

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Natural Sleepy Aid Patch

Natural Sleepy Aid Patch

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Natural Sleepy Aid Patch

“I’ve always had a hard time sleeping, even when I’m exhausted and worn to the bone. I’ve tried taking pills, aromatherapy, and relaxation techniques but I’ve got little to no success so far. I tried the Natural Sleepy Aid Patch as a last ditch effort to help me sleep and to my surprise, I was able to fall asleep in less than an hour and wake up feeling refreshed and energized! I use this everyday which makes my energy levels boost and now I can focus on my work, socialize, and live a healthier life!” -Letty, 33, California 

“I  work during graveyard and night shifts which affected and changed my overall sleep pattern. I cannot fall asleep at night and end up taking frequent yet restorative naps during the day. The lack of sleep really affected my health; I started getting sick more frequently, I started gaining weight, and my skin became dry and drab. It was like my body was slowly giving up on me. However, my life changed after using the Natural Sleepy Aid Patch! I noticed I started getting sleepier at night more often and waking up refreshed and energized. After using it for around two weeks, my health drastically improved- I’m no longer sickly and my skin improved in appearance and texture. This is truly a life-saver!” -Jonathan, 40, New Jearsey 

Sleep and Snoring

Sleep is our body’s natural “restart button”. It is the key to keeping our mind and body healthy. Adults need an average for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Sleep helps rejuvenate your cells, relaxes your muscles, eases anxiety, and quickens healing. Other benefits of sleeps are

  • Improves immunity
  • Growth and development (for children) 
  • Survival (sleep deprivation leads to increased likelihood of sickness) 
  • Helps you maintain a healthy weight
  • Reduces risk for diabetes and heart disease
  • Improves mental functions such as focus, information processing, visual acuity and other viral mental processes
  • Avoids unnecessary injuries such as accidents like tripping, falls, and serious accidents such as car accidents (thousands of drowsy drivers cause accidents every year).
  • Improves mood and social interactions

Your body naturally sets for you to be awake during daytime and sleepy at nighttime. However, due to technological advances with artificial light as well as the light coming from gadgets (TV, mobile phones, tablets, and laptops), our sleep slightly deviated from normal. Lack of sleep or disorientation due to such can also occur when traveling to places with different time zones (8 to 12 hour difference) which is called “jetlag”.

The Sleep Cycle 

Did you know that dreaming is actually a part of your normal sleep cycle? Did you know that you just don’t close your  eyes and fall asleep, and there’s actuall stages of sleep that the body must go through to maintain a healthy sleeping pattern? 

Luckily for you, the stages of sleep are actually very easy to understand. We have two phases of sleep: Non-Rapid Eye  Movement (NREM), and Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. 

What is non-REM Sleep? Non-Rem Sleep is generally considered as “light sleep” where a person could be easily roused from sleep with noise or movement. We naturally have less and less deep non-REM sleep as we age. 

What are the benefits of non-Rem Sleep?

  • Beneficial for development of children
  • Builds bone and muscle
  • Muscle regeneration 
  • Wound healing 
  • Immune strengthening 

There are three stages of Non-Rem (NREM) sleep:

  • Stage 1 
      • Stage of sleep that lasts for 5-10 minutes.
      • Muscle activity slows down (including eye movement and muscle activity)
      • Eyes closed
      • Sensation of “falling asleep” 
      • Sudden muscle contractions may occur, leading to people describing as “falling” in their dreams- these sudden muscle contractions are called ‘Hypnic Jerks” and it is not harmful; it is simply a way of the body to check if the individual is still alive.
  • Stage 2 
    • A stage with a mixture of muscle relaxation and  (occasional) contraction.
    • Heart rate slows, eye movement stops, and body temperature drops.
    • Brain activity becomes more dull and slower but occasionally will have a burst of brain waves called sleep spindles.
    • Your body prepares to enter deep sleep.
  •  Stage 3
    • Body is in “deep sleep”
    • The brain emits delta waves (very slow brain waves).
    • It’s difficult for someone to wake you up at this stage.
    • No muscle or eye activity.
    • If woken up, you’d feel groggy, sleepy, or disoriented for a few minutes.

While NREM sleep mostly entails of brains waves slowing down with occasional bursts of activity, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep entails the opposite. This is where your brain kick-starts to emit waves similar to activity when awake. REM sleep occurs about 1-2 hours after you fall asleep. The first REM sleep lasts for 10 minutes but becomes longer as the sleep cycle continues. We naturally have lesser REM sleep as we grow. 

What happens in REM Sleep?

  • Faster breathing
  • Increased brainwaves and activity
  • This is the stage were dreaming occurs
  • Penile erections in men
  • Rapid eye movement

What affects sleep quality? 

  • Drug, caffeine,  and alcohol use
  • Medication (antidepressant, stimulants) 
  • Hot or cold temperatures (we are less likely to sleep with hot temperatures) 

Sleep Disorders 

One of the most common sleep disorders is “Insomnia”. Insomnia is a condition where people find it hard to fall asleep. It can be treated on its own with prescription drugs, over the counter medication, sleeping patches,  aromatherapy, and relaxation techniques. Therapy also helps with improving and changing behavior that would lead to better sleep.

With that in mind, what is the Natural Sleepy Aid Patch? 

The Natural Sleepy Aid Patch is a non-invasive sleep aid made from all-natural sleep–inducing and muscle realaxant ingredients that not only ensures a full night’s rest but also ensures your 6-8 hour sleep is restorative and energizing! The Natural Sleepy Aid Patch is made from:


  • A well known plant used for aromatherapy.
  • A muscle relaxant.
  • Inhalation increases alpha wave brain activity.
  • Breaks down serotonin to melatonin, a crucial  neurotransmitter for sleeping.
  • Assists production of melatonin.
  • Antioxidant (prevents cellular damage) 

Pearl Powder 


  • Contains magnesium and adaptogen
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Antioxidant
  • Improves metabolism, which is vital for people who are sleep-deprived where metabolism is slower.
  • Improves skin condition (anti-aging)
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Detoxifying
  • Eliviates Gaba aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels, which helps alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. 


  • Treats lymphatic swelling and soothes eczema 
  • Muscle relaxant
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Contains Adenosine, which is naturally produced by the body responsible for inducing sleep (it works the opposite of caffeine).
  • Indices and lengthens deep sleep
  • Boosts GABA levels (neurotransmitter responsible for inducing relaxation and calming)

With that in mind, the Natural Sleepy Aid Patch is…

The Natural Sleepy Aid Patch an organic non-invasive patch that:

  • Helps induce sleep.
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Maintains and sustains deep sleep
  • Non-addictive ingredients.
  • Organic ingredients
  • Painless removal that leaves minimal to no sticky residue. 
  • Ensures restorative sleep.
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Safe for all ages
  • Safe to use daily

Clarisse used to get a maximum of 4-5 hours of sleep for the past few years which negatively affected her health. Now, she’s been having a restorative 6-8 hour sleep all thanks to the Natural Sleep Aid Patch!

Before Use

“If sleep had a price, it would probably be more expensive in my opinion. No matter how tired I am, I just can’t fall asleep fast enough, and if I do, I easily wake up. I have fragmented sleep with hourly intervals for most of the time. However, by the time I finally try to sleep my alarm beeps and I spend the rest of my day bone tired. Luckily, my life changed all thanks to the Natural Sleep Aid Patch.”

After Use

“I cannot believe it! It actually works! I noticed for the past week,I tend to sleep longer and faster, which leads to my health improving. I timed my sleep and I slept an average of 6-7 hours on weekdays and about 7-8 hours during weekends! Amazing! I love how this patch helped give my body the much needed boost which provided me with so much energy. I can focus more, I can socialize more, I can spend more time doing what I want. Even my co-workers and boss saw the extreme difference and are thankful for the Natural Sleep Aid Patch, now they’re also buying one themselves!” 

How to Use

  • Wash  your belly button using soap and water.
  • Pat the skin dry
  • Take out one patch.
  • Remove the protective adhesive film.
  • Place the back patch on your navel before going to sleep.
  • Remove it when you wake up about 8-12 hours after going to sleep.
  • Wash your skin to remove sticky residue from adhesive.
  • Use it every night. 
  • Do not use broken and bleeding skin.
  • For external use only. 


  • Ingredients: Lavender, Longan, Pearl Powder, Jujube Kernel
  • Net Weight: 13g
  • Shelf Life: 3 Years
  • Number of Pieces per Box: 12 pcs
  • Effects: Relaxant, Sleep Aid, Insomnia Relief, Sleep Inducing

Package Includes

X1  Natural Sleepy Aid Patch

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